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"In the After"

Gaisma Theatre Group

Welcome back for my third Buried Deep demo with Gaisma, with only one more week of releases after today!

After a short feature in last week's song, we're bringing back Arika Matoba to sing "In the After."

Left to her own devices, Ruri seeks to understand her family better and looks to her grandfather, her Jichan, for guidance. During WWII, Her Jichan was ripped away from his home for being Japanese-American, spent his young adult years in an interment camp, and dropped off the radar once the war was over. All Ruri has are artifacts of his life from before internment and the hope that they can provide meaning to her life now.

Follow me on Youtube or Soundcloud for more and to catch up on previous weeks, and check out Gaisma's Instagram for additional updates!


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